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Northeastern Minnesota became part of the United States territory in 1783, by the treaty that ended the Revolutionary War. The rest was acquired by the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. The northern boundary was determined by a treaty with Great Britain in 1818.

By act of the United States Congress, the Territory of Minnesota was created on March 3, 1849. The first Territorial Legislature met on Sept. 2, 1849. The third territorial Legislature created Hennepin County on March 6, 1852. The county was organized on Oct. 21, 1852. At the first county election held on Oct. 11, 1852, all legislators, commissioners, sheriff, coroner and other county officials were elected unanimously, each receiving 27 votes.

At this time, most of the land west of the Mississippi had not been surveyed and recorded; however, this was being done and during this period Township No. 118 North, Range 21 West of the 5th Principal Meridian was surveyed and recorded. The abstracts of most of the property in Crystal probably contain the map of this township. This was the township the most part of which would later make up Crystal Lake Township. 

On July 8, 1858, the county board granted three tiers of sections of land, (probably 24 adjacent to the north of Minneapolis) to form the town of Farmersville; however, this never organized. In the meantime, on May 11, 1858, Minnesota had been admitted to union statehood.

In 1860, the Hennepin County Government authorized the organization of Crystal Lake Township. This included two tiers of sections of land from the Town of Brooklyn on the north and two tiers of sections from the Town of Minneapolis on the south. This consisted of 24 sections of land bounded on the west by the Town of Plymouth, the north by Brooklyn, the east by the Mississippi River and the south by the Town of Minneapolis.

The thriving and rapidly expanding Town of Minneapolis organized in 1856 and incorporated as a city in 1866. It was continually outgrowing its boundaries. In the period from 1866 to 1887, many expansions of the city limits took place. Each time expansions took large portions of the rural area of Crystal Lake Township, including the eastern most portion on the Mississippi, the present Camden area. The Town of Golden Valley was formed on Dec. 17, 1886, also taking a portion of the western area of Crystal Lake.

The first settler of Crystal Lake Township was John Ware Dow, who arrived on March 26, 1852. This was followed the next day on March 27 by John C. Bohanon. Later in the year, came Mrs. Rhoda Bean and family; Joel and Eben Howe; John M. Snow; Hiram Armstrong; David Smith; John Wesley Dow; George Camp; and L.P. Warren. Many more settlers arrived in 1853 and 1854, too numerous to mention.

A caucus, for the nomination of officers for this new town was held at the house of J.D. Malbon on March 24, 1860. The first election was held at the same place on April 3. The following officers were elected: Supervisors, Henry S Plummer, J.B. Johnson, and Lorenzo P Warren; Treasurer, Y. Gillespie; Assessor, Luther Bartlow; Justices of Peace, H.S. Camp and D. W. Jones; Constables, Warner Willy and J.S. Wales; Superintendent of Schools, N.R. Thompson. The total number of votes cast was 55. The supervisors were authorized to levy a tax of $200 on the polls and real estate to defray incidental expenses for the year of 1860. On April 30, Josiah Dutton was appointed assessor, Mr. Bartlow having failed to qualify.

The Civil War started the year after the organization of the town. The town paid no bounties, but furnished its quota of men, all volunteers (except one).

On the west side of Crystal and Twin Lake was the Crystal Prairie, a strip about four miles long and one mile wide with rich soil. East of the lake, to the Mississippi river, was wooded. In 1852, a shingle mill was built at the mouth of Shingle Creek, from which it received it's name. In 1859, a flour mill was built on Shingle Creek near the Mississippi. In 1876, on the clay beds adjacent to the Mississippi River, several brick yards were opened with mills for grinding the clay and manufacturing of bricks. A blacksmith shop, dry goods and grocery store, a hotel, and a post office were also built in this period. Crystal Village was incorporated Jan. 11, 1887, consisting of about 18 sections of land.

The first election of officers was held on March 8, 1887. Elected officers included Arthur Sanborn, President; Thomas Gearty, J.H. White and Philip Kuch, Trustees; N.R. Russ, Recorder; J.B. Johnson, Treasurer; Thomas Kirkwood, Assessor; D.C. Crandall and H.R. Stillman, Justices of Peace; and Charles Hommes, Constable. The population was about 587. The area consisted of 10,320 acres, none of which was in any previous incorporated city or village. The area contained Twin Lakes, Crystal Lake, Crystal Prairie and a portion of the wooded area to the east of the lakes.

Chronological History of Crystal

In 1887, Mr. A.B. Robbins came into the village and bought lands to form Robbinsdale Park. Robbinsdale was incorporated as a village on April 14, 1893, taking about three sections of the Village of Crystal. This area included Crystal Lake, the lower portion of Twin Lake, and most of the business area and populated district of the Village of Crystal. Also, in 1887, Minneapolis continued to expand its boundaries making further cuts into the rural area of Crystal.

A Crystal Post Office existed near the old city hall on West Broadway in the home of Fred P. Stinchfeld around 1885. Maude Merritt worked there. It was discontinued in 1900 when rural free delivery came about. Merritt and her husband Gilbert moved into their 2-1/2 story home on their wedding night, Sept. 7, 1891. This was located at about 5425 Hampshire Ave. N. The oldest house in Crystal was at 48th and Welcome Ave. and was 108 years old when it was moved to a site near the New Brighton Speedway.

Old City HallCity Hall was built in 1891 at about 54th and West Broadway. It served as a city hall until 1951 and as a council meeting place until 1958. It was razed in 1962. The Northside Fire Station served as the city administrative offices from 1951 to 1959 when the office moved to leased quarters at 6424 54th Ave. N. The offices remained there until 1965 with the new and present city hall being dedicated on Dec. 12, 1965.

After the annexations to other towns and cities, in the late 1800s, the Village of Crystal became disorganized. It was reorganized in 1911 to prevent being annexed by Minneapolis. In 1936, the Township of New Hope was formed again, taking with it the western portion of the Village of Crystal. There have been several minor adjustments of the boundaries of Crystal in the ensuing years. The Village of Crystal became a City of the Second Class in 1960.

Our Town's History - Crystal
Year Population 
 1890  1,074
 1900  -
 1910  -
 1920  814
 1930  1,865
 1940  2,373
 1950  5,713
 1960  24,283
 1970  30,925
 1980  25,543
 1990  23,788
2000  22,698
 2010  22,151

Thomas Kirkwood       1911 to 1916
George Binder 1916 to 1924
A.D. Haight 1924 to 1927
John Eastman 1928 to 1930
L. J. Alrick 1931 to 1933
Henry A. Miller 1934 to 1937
Everett J. Galway 1938 to 1943
Clifford D. Schultz               1943 to 1945
Obert Bronstad 1946 to 1951
Harvey Heise 1952 to 1955
Ralph Overlie 1956 to 1957
John Printon 1958 to 1960
John Grogan 1960 to 1967
Reuben Lundquist 1968 to 1973
Peter Meinstma 1974 to 1984
Thomas Aaker 1984 to 1988
Betty Herbes 1989 to 1991
Peter Meinstma 1992 to 2004
ReNae Bowman 2005 to 2012
Jim Adams 2013 to

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